Acorn RISC PD-CD 1
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Roger Bailey, Imperial College
Functions In Conventional Languages:
In a language like Pascal, a function is a piece of 'packaged' program for
performing standard operations like finding square roots. To obtain the
square root of a positive number stored in a variable x, we write:
sqrt ( x )
at the point in the program where we want the value, such as:
writeln ( 1.0 + sqrt ( x ) ) ;
this is called an application of the function. The value represented by "x"
is called the argument or actual parameter. In this context, the canned
program computes the square root of "x", "1.0" is added to it and the result
is then printed.
We can also define our own functions specifying how the result is computed
using ordinary Pascal statements. Here's a function that returns the greater
of its two argument values:
function max ( x, y : INTEGER ) : INTEGER ;
if x > y
then max := x
else max := y
end ;
The identifiers "x" and "y" are called formal parameters. They're used
inside the definition to name the two values that will be supplied as
arguments when the function is applied. We can use "max" anywhere we need a
value, just like "sqrt". Here's how we might use "max" to filter out
negative values on output:
writeln ( max ( z, 0 ) ) ;
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A more interesting case is when the actual parameter is a function
application itself or involves one. We can use "max" to find the largest of
three numbers by writing:
max ( a, max ( b, c ) )
Combining functions together like this is called composition. The expression
is evaluated 'inside-out' because the outer application of "max" can't be
evaluated until the value of its second argument is known. The inner
application of "max" is therefore evaluated first using the values of "b" and
"c" and the result is used as the actual parameter of the outer application.
Another way of combining functions together is to define more powerful ones
using simpler ones as 'building blocks'. If we often need to find the
largest of three numbers we might define:
function MaxOf3 ( x, y, z : INTEGER ) : INTEGER ;
MaxOf3 := max ( x, max ( y, z ) )
end ;
and apply it by writing:
MaxOf3 ( a, b, c )
Programming with functions
Pascal is called an imperative language because programs written in it are
recipes for 'doing something'. If our programs consist only of functions, we
can concentrate on what the results are and ignore how they're computed.
Forget that "sqrt" is a piece of code and think of "sqrt ( x )" as a way of
writing a value in your program, and you'll get the idea. You can think of
"MaxOf3" like this as well if you ignore the way it works inside. By
defining a 'toolkit' of useful functions and combining them together like
this, we can build powerful programs that are quite short and easy to
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In Pascal, functions can only return 'simple' data objects such as numbers or
characters, but real programs use big data structures and can't easily be
written using these functions. In Hope, functions can return any type of
value, including data structures equivalent to Pascal's arrays and records
and much more. Programming in Hope has the flavour of simply 'writing down
the answer' by writing an expression that defines it. This will contain one
or more function applications to define smaller parts of the answer. These
functions won't usually be built in like "sqrt", so we'll have to define them
ourselves, but we'll still think of them as definitions of data objects, and
not as algorithms for computing them.
A simple Hope example -- conditionals
Let's see how we can define "max" in Hope. Like Pascal, it's a
strongly-typed language, which means we must tell the compiler about the
types of all objects in our programs so it can check that they're used
consistently. The function definition comes in two parts. First we declare
the argument and result types:
dec max : num # num -> num ;
"dec" is in bold face because it's a reserved word and you can't use it as a
name. Type it in lower case when entering programs. "max" is the name of
the function being defined. Names consist of upper and lower case letters
(which are distinct) and digits, and must start with a letter. The current
fashion is to use lower case. The layout isn't significant and you can
separate symbols with any number of blanks, tabs and newlines for clarity, as
in this example. Symbols need only be separated when they might otherwise be
confused as one, such as "dec" and "max".
The next part of the declaration gives the types of the arguments (read the
symbol ":" as 'takes a'). Non-negative integers are of the predefined type
"num" (in lower case). "#" is read as 'and a'; (or you can use the reserved
word "X"). "->" is read as 'yields'. The semicolon marks the end of the
declaration, which tells the compiler that "max" takes two numbers as
arguments and returns a single number as its result.
The result of a function is defined by one or more recursion equations.
"max" needs only one equation to define it:
--- max ( x, y ) <= if x > y then x else y ;
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Read the symbol "---" as 'the value of'. The expression "max ( x, y )" is
called the left-hand side of the equation. It defines "x" and "y" as formal
parameters, or local names for the values that will be supplied when the
function is applied. Parameter names are local to the equation, so "x" and
"y" won't be confused with any other "x" or "y" in the program. The symbol
"<=" is read as 'is defined as'.
The rest of the equation (called the right-hand side) defines the result.
It's a conditional expression. The symbols "if", "then" and "else" are
reserved words. Pascal's conditional statement chooses between alternative
actions, but Hope's conditional expression chooses between alternative
values, in line with our view that function applications are ways of writing
values rather than recipes for computing them. If the value of the
expression "x > y" is "true", the value of the whole conditional expression
is the value of "x", otherwise it's the value of "y". The alternative values
can be defined by any Hope expressions.
When the value of a function is defined by more than one expression like
this, they are evaluated in an unspecified order. On a suitable computer,
such as the Imperial College ALICE machine, it's even possible to evaluate
both expressions and the test in parallel and throw away one of the values
according to the result of the test.
Using functions that we've defined
A Hope program is just a a single expression containing one or more function
applications composed together. It's evaluated immediately and the result
and its type are printed on the screen. Here's a simple program that uses
"max", with its output (which is shown in italics):
max ( 10, 20 ) + max ( 1, max ( 2,3 ) ) ;
23 : num
The rules for evaluating the expression are the same as those of Pascal:
function arguments are evaluated first, the functions are applied, and
finally other operations are performed in the usual order of priority.
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We can also use existing functions to define new ones. Here's the Hope
version of "MaxOf3":
dec MaxOf3 : num # num # num -> num ;
--- MaxOf3 ( x, y, z ) <= max ( x, max ( y, z ) ) ;
A more interesting example - repetition
Just as Pascal's conditional statement is replaced by Hope's conditional
value, so the repetitive statement is replaced by the repetitive value.
Here's a Pascal function that multiplies two numbers using repeated addition:
function mult ( x, y : INTEGER ) : INTEGER ;
var prod : INTEGER ;
prod := 0 ;
while y > 0 do
prod := prod + x ;
y := y - 1
end ;
mult := prod
end ;
It's hard to be sure this function does enough additions (it took me three
tries to get it right) and this seems to be a general problem with loops in
programs. A common way of checking imperative programs is to simulate their
execution. If we do this for input values of 2 and 3, we'll find that "prod"
starts with the value 0 and gets values of 2, 4 and 6 on successive loop
iterations, which suggests the definition is correct.
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Hope doesn't have any loops, so we must write all the additions that the
Pascal program performed in a single expression. It's much easier to see
that this has the right number of additions:
dec mult : num # num -> num ;
--- mult ( x, y ) <= 0 + x + x + ...
or would be if we knew how many times to write "+ x". The hand simulation
suggests we need to write it "y" times, which is tricky when we don't know
the value of "y". What we do know is that for a given value of "y", the
mult ( x, y ) and mult ( x, y-1 ) + x
will have the same number of "+ x" terms if written out in full. The second
one always has two terms, whatever the value of "y", so we'll use it as the
definition of "mult":
--- mult ( x, y ) <= mult ( x, y-1 ) + x ;
On the face of it we've written something ridiculous, because it means we
must apply "mult" to find the value of "mult". Remember however that this is
really shorthand for "0" followed by "y" occurrences of "+ x". When "y" is
zero, the result of "mult" is also zero because there are no "+ x" terms. In
this case "mult" isn't defined in terms of itself, so if we add a special
test for it, the definition terminates. A usable definition of "mult" is:
--- mult ( x, y ) <= if y = 0 then 0 else mult ( x, y-1 ) + x ;
Functions that are defined using themselves like this are called recursive.
Every Pascal program using a loop can be expressed as a recursive function in
Hope. All recursive definitions need one case (called the base case) where
the function isn't defined in terms of itself, just as Pascal loops need a
terminating condition.
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Another way of using functions
Hope allows us to use a function with two arguments like "mult" as an infix
operator. We must assign it a priority and use it as an operator everywhere
including the equations that definine it. The definition of "mult" when used
as an infix operator looks like this:
infix mult : 8 ;
dec mult : num # num -> num ;
--- x mult y <= if y = 0 then 0 else x mult ( y - 1 ) + x ;
A bigger number in the infix declaration means a higher priority. The second
argument of "mult" is parenthesised because its priority of 8 is greater than
the built-in subtraction operation. Most of Hope's standard functions are
supplied as infix operators.
Other kinds of data
Hope provides two other primitive data types. A "truval" (truth value) is
equivalent to a Pascal Boolean and has values "true" and "false". We've
already seen the expression "x > y" defining a truth value. ">" is a
standard function whose type is "num # num -> truval". We can use truth
values in conditional expressions and combine them together with the standard
functions "and", "or" and "not".
Single characters are of type "char", with values "'a'", "'b'" and so on.
Characters are most useful as components of data structures such as
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Data structures
Practical programs need data structures and Hope has two standard kinds
already built in. The simplest kind corresponds to a Pascal record. We can
bind a fixed number of objects of any type together into a structure called a
tuple, for example:
( 2, 3 ) or ( 'a', true )
are tuples of type "num # num" and "char # truval" respectively. We use
tuples when we want a function to define more than one value. Here's one
that defines the time of day given the number of seconds since midnight:
dec time24 : num -> num # num # num ;
--- time24 ( s ) <= ( s div 3600,
s mod 3600 div 60,
s mod 3600 mod 60 ) ;
"div" is the built-in integer division function and "mod" gives the remainder
after integer division. If we type an application of "time24" at the
terminal, the result tuple and its type will be printed on the screen in the
usual way:
time24 ( 45756 ) ;
( 12,42,36 ) : ( num # num # num )
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The second standard data type, called a list, corresponds roughly to a
one-dimensional array in Pascal. It can contain any number of objects
(including none at all) but they must all be the same type. We can write
expressions in our programs that represent lists, such as:
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
which is of type "list ( num )". There are two standard functions for
defining lists. The infix operator "::" (read as 'cons') defines a list in
terms of a single object and list containing the same type of object, so
10 :: [ 20, 30, 40 ]
defines the list:
[ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]
Don't think of "::" as adding "10" to the front of "[ 20, 30, 40 ]". It
really definines a new list "[ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]" in terms of two other
objects without changing their meaning, rather in the same way that "1 + 3"
defines a new value of "4" without changing the meaning of "1" or "3".
The other standard list function is "nil", which defines a list with no
elements in it. We can represent every list by an expression consisting of
applications of "::" and "nil". When we write an expression like:
[ a + 1, b - 2, c * d ]
it's considered to be a shorthand way of writing:
a + 1 :: ( b - 2 :: ( c * d :: nil ) )
There's also a shorthand way of writing lists of characters. The following
three expressions are all equivalent:
"cat" [ 'c', 'a', 't' ] 'c' :: ( 'a' :: ( 't' :: nil ) )
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When the result of a Hope program is a list, it's always printed out in the
concise bracketed notation; if it's a list of characters, it's printed in
Every data type in Hope is defined by a set of primitive functions like "::"
and "nil". They're called constructor functions, and aren't defined by
recursion equations. When we defined a tuple, we were actually using a
standard constructor called "," (read as 'comma'). Later on we'll see how
constructors are defined for other types of data.
Functions that define lists
If we wanted to write a Pascal program to print the first n natural numbers
in descending order we'd probably write a loop that printed one value out on
each iteration, such as:
for i := n downto 1 do write ( i ) ;
In Hope we write one expression that defines all the values at once, rather
like we did for "mult":
dec nats : num -> list ( num ) ;
--- nats ( n ) <= if n = 0 then nil else n :: nats ( n-1 ) ;
"nil" is useful for writing the base case of a recursive function that
defines a list. If we try the function at the terminal by typing:
nats ( 10 ) ;
[ 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ] : list ( num )
we can see that the numbers are in descending order because that's the way we
arranged them in the list, and not because they were defined in that order.
The values in the expression defining the list are treated as though they
were all generated at the same time. On the ALICE machine they actually are
generated at the same time.
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To get the results of a Hope program in the right order, we must put them in
the right place in the final data structure. If we want the list of the
numbers "n" through "1" in the opposite order we can't write the definition
... else nats ( n-1 ) :: n ;
because the argument types for "::" are the wrong way round. We need to use
a another built-in operation "<>" (read as 'append') that concatenates two
lists. The definition will then look like this:
--- nats ( n ) <= if n = 0 then nil else nats ( n-1 ) <> [ n ] ;
We put "n" in brackets to make it into a (single-item) list because "<>"
expects both its arguments to be lists. We could also have written "( n ::
nil )" instead of "[ n ]".
Data structures as parameters
Suppose we have a list of integers and we want to write a function to add up
all its elements. The declaration will look like this:
dec sumlist : list ( num ) -> num ;
We need to refer to the individual elements of the actual parameter in the
equations defining "sumlist". We do this using an equation whose left-hand
side looks like this:
--- sumlist ( x :: y ) ...
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This is an expression involving list constructors and corresponds to an
actual parameter that's a list. "x" and "y" are formal parameters, but they
now name individual parts of the actual parameter value. In an application
of "sumlist" like:
sumlist ( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
the actual parameter will be 'dismantled' so that "x" names the value "1" and
"y" names the value "[ 2, 3 ]". The complete equation will be:
--- sumlist ( x :: y ) <= x + sumlist ( y ) ;
Notice there's no base case test. As we might expect, it's the empty list,
but we can't test for it directly in the equation because there's no formal
parameter that refers to the whole list. In fact, if we write the
sumlist ( nil )
we'll get an error message because we can't dismantle "nil" to find the
values of "x" and "y". We must cover this case separately using a second
recursion equation:
--- sumlist ( nil ) <= 0 ;
The two equations can be given in either order. When "sumlist" is applied,
the actual parameter is examined to see which constructor function was used
to define it. If the actual parameter is a non-empty list, the first
equation is used, because non-empty lists are defined using the "::"
constructor. The first number in the list gets named "x" and the remaining
list "y". If the actual parameter is the empty list, the second equation is
be used because empty lists are defined using the constructor "nil".
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An expression composed of constructors appearing on the left-hand side of a
recursion equation is called a pattern. Selecting the right recursion
equation and dismantling the actual parameter to name its parts is called
pattern-matching. When you write a function, you must give a recursion
equation for each possible constructor defining the argument type.
Sometimes we don't need to dismantle the actual parameter, and we can use a
formal parameter in the pattern that matches the whole object, irrespective
of what constructors were used to define it. As an example, let's see how we
could define our own function to concatenate two lists like the built-in
operation "<>":
infix cat : 4 ;
dec cat : list( num ) # list( num ) -> list ( num ) ;
--- ( h :: t ) cat l <= h :: ( t cat l ) ;
--- nil cat l <= l ;
The first list parameter is matched by the pattern "( h :: t )" so that its
first item (the 'head") and the remaining list (the 'tail') can be referred
to separately on the right-hand side. The second recursion equation covers
the case when the first list is empty. The second list parameter is matched
by the pattern "l" whether it's empty or not.
As well as writing enough recursion equations to satisfy all the parameter
constructors, we must also be careful not to write sets of equations where
more than one pattern might match the actual parameters, because that would
be ambiguous.
We can write patterns to match arguments that are tuples in the same way
using the tuple constructor ",". When we wrote "mult ( x, y )" you probably
thought the parentheses and the comma were something to do with the function
application. In fact, we were constructing a tuple and the parentheses were
only needed because "," has a low priority. Hope treats all functions as
having only one argument. This can be a tuple when you want the effect of
several arguments. Without parentheses,
mult x, y
would be interpreted as:
( mult ( x ), y )
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A recursion equation with the left-hand side:
--- mult ( x, y ) <= ...
is just a pattern-match on a tuple. The first item in the tuple gets named
"x" and the second one "y".
We can also use pattern-matching on "num" parameters. These are defined by
two constructors called "succ" and "0". "succ" defines a number in terms of
the next lower one. "0" has no arguments and defines the value zero. Surely
"0" is a value, not a function? Well, we're already used to thinking of
function applications as another way of writing values, so it's quite
consistent to think of "0" as a function application. Here's a version of
"mult" that uses pattern-matching to identify the base case:
infix mult : 8 ;
dec mult : num # num -> num ;
--- x mult 0 <= 0 ;
--- x mult succ ( y ) <= ( x mult y ) + x ;
We can read "succ ( y )" as 'the successor of some number that we'll call
"y"'. Instead of naming the actual parameter "y" like we did in the original
version of "mult", we're naming its predecessor.
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Simplifying expressions
In Pascal programs we can simplify complex expressions by removing common
sub-expressions and evaluating them separately. Instead of:
writeln ( ( x + y ) * ( x + y ) ) ;
we would probably write:
z := x + y ; writeln ( z * z ) ;
which is clearer and more efficient. Hope programs consist only of
expressions and it's even more important to simplify them. We do this by
using a qualified expression:
let z == x + y in z * z ;
This looks like an assignment, but it isn't. "==" is read as 'is defined as'
and "z" is local to the expression following the "in". If we write something
let z == z + 1 in z * z ;
we're actually introducing a new variable "z" to use in the sub-expression "z
* z". It hides the original one in the sub-expression "z + 1".
There's a second form of qualified expression for people who like to use
variables first and define their meanings later. It looks like this:
z * z where z == x + y ;
The result of the qualified expression is the same whether we define it using
let or where. "x + y" is evaluated first, and its value is used in the main
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The qualifying expression will often be a function application that defines a
data structure. If we want to name part of the structure we can use a
pattern on the left-hand side of the "==" symbol:
dec time12 : num -> num # num ;
--- time12 ( s ) <= ( if h > 12 then h-12 else h, m ) where
( h, m, s ) == time24 ( s ) ;
We'll use this construction most often when we write recursive functions that
define tuples. Here's a typical example. Suppose we want to form a string
of words from a sentence. For simplicity a word is taken to be any sequence
of characters, and words are separated in the sentence by any number of
blanks. The sentence and a single word will be of type "list ( char )" and
the final sequence of words a "list ( list ( char ) )".
It's fairly straightforward to obtain the first word. Here's a function that
does it:
dec firsttry : list ( char ) -> list ( char ) ;
--- firsttry ( nil ) <= nil ;
--- firsttry ( c :: s ) <= if c = ' '
then nil
else c :: firsttry ( s ) ;
One of the nice features of Hope is that we can type in and print out any
kind of value, so it's easy to check out the individual functions of our
program separately. If we test "firsttry" we'll see:
firsttry ( "You may hunt it with forks and Hope" ) ;
"You" : list ( char )
But there's a problem here because we're going to need the rest of the
sentence if we're to find the remaining words. We must arrange that that the
function returns the remaining list as well as the first word. This is where
tuples come in:
dec firstword : list ( char ) -> list ( char ) # list ( char ) ;
--- firstword ( nil ) <= ( nil, nil ) ;
--- firstword ( c :: s ) <= if c = ' '
then ( nil, s )
else ( ( c :: w, r ) where
( w, r ) == firstword ( s ) ) ;
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The qualified expression is parenthesised so it only applies to the
expression after the else, otherwise we'll evaluate "firstword" recursivly as
long as the sentence is non-empty, even if it starts with a blank. This
version of the function produces:
firstword ( "Hope springs eternal ..." ) ;
( "Hope","springs eternal ..." ) : ( list ( char ) # list ( char ) )
We can use this to define a function to split the sentence into a list of its
individual words:
dec wordlist : list ( char ) -> list ( list ( char ) ) ;
--- wordlist ( nil ) <= nil ;
--- wordlist ( c :: s ) <= if c = ' '
then wordlist( s )
else ( w :: wordlist ( r ) where
( w, r ) == firstword ( c :: s ) ) ;
which we can test by typing an application at the terminal:
wordlist ( " While there's life there's Hope " ) ;
[ "While","there's","life","there's","Hope" ] : list ( list ( char ) )
So far we've concentrated on features of Hope that have something in common
with traditional languages such as Pascal, but without many of their
limitations, such as fixed-size data structures. We've also been introduced
to the functional style of programming where programs are no longer recipes
for action, but just definitions of data objects.
Now we'll introduce features of Hope that lift it onto a much higher level of
expressive power, and let us write programs that are not only extremely
powerful and concise, but that can be checked for correctness at compile-time
and mechanically transformed into more efficient versions.
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Making functions more powerful
The Hope compiler can spot many common kinds of error by checking the types
of all objects in expressions. This is harder than checking at run-time, but
more efficient and saves the embarrassment of discovering an error at
run-time in a rarely-executed branch of the air traffic control system we
just wrote.
However, strict type-checking can be a nuisance if we want to perform some
operation that doesn't depend on the type of the data. Try writing a Pascal
procedure to reverse an array of either 10 integers or 10 characters and
you'll see what I mean.
Hope avoids this kind of restriction by allowing a function to operate on
more than one type of object. We've already used the standard constructors
"::" and "nil" to define a "list ( num )", a "list ( char )" and a "list (
list ( char ) )". The standard equality function "=" will compare any two
objects of the same type. Functions with this property are called
polymorphic. Pascal's built-in functions "abs" and "sqr" and operations like
">" and "=" are polymorphic in a primitive kind of way.
We can define our own polymorphic functions in Hope. The function "cat" we
defined above will concatenate lists of numbers, but we can use it for lists
containing any type of object. To do this we first declare a kind of
'universal type' called a type variable. We use this in the declaration of
"cat" where it stands for any actual type:
typevar alpha ;
infix cat : 8 ;
dec cat : list ( alpha ) # list ( alpha ) -> list ( alpha ) ;
This says that "cat" has two parameters that are lists and defines a list,
but it doesn't say what kind of object is in the list. However, "alpha"
always stands for the same type throughout a given declaration, so all the
lists must contain the same type of object. The expressions:
[ 1,2,3 ] cat [ 4,5,6 ] and "123" cat "456"
are correctly-typed applications of "cat" and define a "list ( num )" and a
"list ( char )" respectively, while the expression:
[ 1,2,3 ] cat "456"
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isn't because "alpha" can't be interpreted as two different types. The
interpretation of a type variable is local to a declaration so it can have
different interpretations in other declarations without confusion.
Of course it only makes sense for a function to be polymorphic as long as the
equations defining it don't make any assumptions about types. In the case of
"cat" the definition uses only "::" and "nil", which are polymorphic
themselves. However, a function like "sumlist" uses "+" and can only be used
with lists of numbers as parameters.
Defining your own data types
Tuples and lists are quite powerful, but for more sophisticated applications,
we'll need to define our own types. User-defined types make programs clearer
and help the type-checker to help the programmer. We introduce a new data
type in a data declaration:
data vague == yes ++ no ++ maybe ;
"data" is a reserved word and "vague" is the name of the new type. "==" is
read as 'is defined as' and "++" is read as 'or'. "yes", "no" and "maybe"
are the names for the constructor functions of the new type. We can now
write function definitions that use these constructors in patterns:
dec evade : vague -> vague ;
--- evade ( yes ) <= maybe ;
--- evade ( maybe ) <= no ;
The constructors can be parameterised with any type of object, including the
type that's being defined. We can define types like lists, whose objects are
of unlimited size using this kind of recursive definition. As an example,
here's a user-defined binary tree that can contain numbers as its leaves:
data tree == empty ++ tip ( num ) ++ node ( tree # tree ) ;
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There are three constructors. "empty" has no parameters and defines a tree
with nothing in it. "tip" defines a tree in terms of a single num, and
"node" defines a tree in terms of two other trees. Here's a typical tree:
/ \
/ \
___/ \___
________/ \________
/ / \ \
/ /\ /\ \
1 / \ / \ \
/ \ / \ 5
2 3 . 4
Here's an example of a function that manipulates trees. It returns the sum
of all the numbers contained in one:
dec sumtree : tree -> num ;
--- sumtree ( empty ) <= 0 ;
--- sumtree ( tip ( n ) ) <= n ;
--- sumtree ( node ( l, r ) ) <= sumtree ( l ) + sumtree ( r ) ;
Unfortunately there's no shorthand for writing tree constants like there is
for list constants, so we've got to write them out the long way using
constructors. If we want to use "sumtree" to add up all the numbers in the
example tree above, we must type in the expression:
sumtree ( node ( node ( tip ( 1 ),
node ( tip ( 2 ),
tip ( 3 ) ) ),
node ( node ( empty,
tip ( 4 ) ),
tip ( 5 ) ) ) ) ;
This isn't really a drawback, because programs that manipulate complex data
structures like trees will generally define them using other functions.
However, it's very useful to be able to type any kind of constant data
structure at the terminal when we're checking out an individual function like
"sumtree". When we want to test a Pascal program piecemeal, we usually have
to write elaborate test harnesses or stubs to generate test data.
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Making data more abstract
The identifier "list" isn't really a Hope data type. It's called a type
constructor and must be parameterised with an actual type before it
represents one. We did this every time we declared a "list ( num )" or a
"list ( char )". The parameter can also be a user-defined type, as with a
"list ( tree )" or even a type variable as in "list ( alpha )", which defines
a polymorphic data type. Constructing new data types like this is a
compile-time operation by the way, and you shouldn't confuse it with
constructing new data values, which is a run-time operation.
You can define your own polymorphic data types. Here's a version of the
binary tree we defined earlier that can have any type of value in its leaves:
data tree ( alpha ) == empty ++
tip ( alpha ) ++
node ( tree ( alpha ) # tree ( alpha ) ) ;
Once again, "alpha" is taken to be the same type throughout one instance of a
tree. If it's a number, then all references to "tree ( alpha )" are taken as
references to "tree ( num )".
We can define polymorphic functions that operate on trees containing any type
of object, because tree constructors are now polymorphic. Here's a function
to 'flatten' a binary tree into a list of the same type of object:
dec flatten : tree ( alpha ) -> list ( alpha ) ;
--- flatten ( empty ) <= nil ;
--- flatten ( tip ( x ) ) <= x :: nil ;
--- flatten ( node ( x, y ) ) <= flatten ( x ) <> flatten ( y ) ;
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We can demonstrate it on various kinds of tree:
flatten( node ( tip ( 1 ), node ( tip ( 2 ), tip ( 3 ) ) ) ) ;
[ 1, 2, 3 ] : list ( num )
flatten( node ( tip ( "one" ),
node ( tip ( "two" ),
tip ( "three" ) ) ) ) ;
[ "one","two","three" ] : list ( list ( char ) )
flatten( node ( tip ( tip ( 'a' ) ),
node ( tip ( empty ),
tip ( node ( tip ( 'c' ),
empty ) ) ) ) ) ;
[ tip ( 'a' ),empty,node ( tip ( 'c' ), empty) ] : list ( tree ( char ) )
Notice how the type-checker may need to go through several levels of data
types to deduce the type of the result.
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Even more concise programs
The importance of polymorphic types and functions is that they let us write
shorter, clearer programs. It's similar to the way Pascal procedures let us
use the same code to operate on different data values, but much more
powerful. We can write a single Hope function to reverse a list of numbers
or characters, where we'd need to write two identical Pascal subroutines to
reverse an array of integers and an array of characters.
We can use polymorphic functions whenever we're concerned only with the
arrangement of the objects in a data structure and not with their values.
Sometimes, we'll want to apply some function to the primitive data items in
the structure. Here's a function that uses a second function "square" to
define a "list (num)" whose elements are the squares of another "list (num)":
dec square : num -> num ;
--- square ( n ) <= n * n ;
dec squarelist : list ( num ) -> list ( num ) ;
--- squarelist ( nil ) <= nil ;
--- squarelist ( n :: l ) <= square ( n ) :: squarelist ( l ) ;
Every time we write a function to process every element of a list, we'll
write something almost identical to "squarelist". Here's a function to
define a list of factorials:
dec fact : num -> num ;
--- fact ( 0 ) <= 1 ;
--- fact ( succ ( n ) ) <= succ ( n ) * fact ( n ) ;
dec factlist : list ( num ) -> list ( num ) ;
--- factlist ( nil ) <= nil ;
--- factlist ( n :: l ) <= fact ( n ) :: factlist ( l ) ;
"factlist" has exactly the same 'shape' as "squarelist", it just applies
"fact" instead of "square" and then applies itself recursively. Values that
differ between applications are usually supplied as actual parameters. Hope
treats functions as data objects, so we can do this in a perfectly natural
way. A function that can take another function as an actual parameter is
called a higher-order function. When we declare it we must give the type of
formal parameter standing for the function in the usual way. The declaration
of "fact" tells us that it's:
num -> num
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Read this as 'a function mapping numbers to numbers'. Now let's see how we
can use this idea to write "factlist" and "squarelist" as a single higher-
order function. The new function needs two parameters, the original list,
and the function that's applied inside it. Its declaration will be:
dec alllist : list ( num ) # ( num -> num ) -> list ( num ) ;
The 'shape' of "alllist" will be the same as "factlist" and "squarelist", but
the function we apply to each element of the list will be the formal
--- alllist ( nil, f ) <= nil ;
--- alllist ( n :: l, f ) <= f ( n ) :: alllist ( l, f ) ;
We use "alllist" like this:
alllist ( [ 2,4,6 ], square ) ;
[ 4,16,36 ] : list ( num )
alllist ( [ 2,4,6 ], fact ) ;
[ 2,24,720 ] : list ( num )
Notice that there's no argument list after "square" or "fact" in the
application of "alllist", so this construction won't be confused with
functional composition. "fact( 3 )" represents a function application, but
"fact" by itself represents the unevaluated function.
Higher-order functions can also be polymorphic. We can use this idea to
write a more powerful version of "alllist" that will apply an arbitrary
function to every element of a list of objects of arbitrary type. This
version of the function is usually known as "map":
typevar alpha, beta ;
dec map : list ( alpha ) # ( alpha -> beta ) -> list ( beta ) ;
--- map ( nil, f ) <= nil ;
--- map ( n :: l, f ) <= f ( n ) :: map ( l, f ) ;
The definition now uses two type variables "alpha" and "beta". Each one
represents the same actual type throughout one instance of "map", but the two
types can be different. This means we can use any function that maps alphas
to betas to generate a list of betas from any list of alphas.
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The actual types aren't restricted to scalars, which makes "map" rather more
powerful than we might realise at first sight. Suppose we've got a suitably
polymorphic function that finds the length of a list:
typevar gamma ;
dec length : list ( gamma ) -> num ;
--- length ( nil ) <= 0 ;
--- length ( n :: l ) <= 1 + length ( l ) ;
length ( [ 2,4,6,8 ] ) + length ( "cat" ) ;
7 : num
We can use "map" to apply "length" to every element of a list of words
defined by "wordlist":
map ( wordlist ( "The form remains, the function never dies" ), length )
[ 3,4,8,3,8,5,4 ] : list ( num ) ;
In this example "alpha" is taken to be a "list ( char )" and "beta" to be a
num, so the type of the function must be "( list ( char ) -> num )". "length"
fits the bill if "gamma" is taken to be a character.
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Common patterns of recursion
"map" is powerful because it sums up a pattern of recursion that turns up
frequently in Hope programs. We can see another common pattern in the
function "length" used above. Here's another example of the same pattern:
dec sum : list ( num ) -> num ;
--- sum ( nil ) <= 0 ;
--- sum ( n :: l ) <= n + sum ( l ) ;
The underlying pattern consists of processing each element in the list and
accumulating a single value that forms the result. In "sum", each element
contributes its value to the final result. In "length" the contribution is
always "1" irrespective of the type or value of the element, but the pattern
is identical. Functions that display this pattern are of type:
( list ( alpha ) -> beta )
In the function definition, the equation for a non-empty list parameter will
specify an operation whose result is a "beta". This is "+" in the case of
"length" and "sum". One argument of the operation will be a list element and
the other will be defined by a recursive call, so the type of the operation
needs to be:
( alpha # beta -> beta )
This operation differs between applications, so it will be supplied as a
parameter. Finally we need a parameter of type "beta" to specify the base
case result. The final version of the function is usually known as "reduce".
In the following definition, the symbol "!" introduces a comment, which
finishes with another "!" or with a newline:
dec reduce : list ( alpha ) # ! the input list !
( alpha # beta -> beta ) # ! the reduction operation !
beta ! the base case result !
-> beta ; ! the result type !
--- reduce ( nil, f, b ) <= b ;
--- reduce ( n :: l, f, b ) <= f ( n, reduce ( l, f, b ) ) ;
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To use "reduce" as a replacement for "sum" we'll need to supply the standard
function "+" as an actual parameter. We can do this if we prefix it with the
symbol nonop to tell the compiler we don't want to use it as an infix
reduce ( [ 1,2,3 ], nonop +, 0 ) ;
6 : num
When we use "reduce" as a replacement for "length", we're not interested in
the first argument of the reduction operation because we always add "1"
whatever the list element is. This function ignores its first argument:
dec addone : alpha # num -> num ;
--- addone ( _ , n ) <= n + 1 ;
We use "_" to represent any argument we don't want to refer to.
reduce ( "a map they could all understand", addone, 0 ) ;
31 : num
Like "map", "reduce" is much more powerful than it first appears because the
reduction function needn't define a scalar. Here's a candidate that inserts
an object into an ordered list of the same kind of object:
dec insert : alpha # list ( alpha ) -> list ( alpha ) ;
--- insert ( i, nil ) <= i :: nil ;
--- insert ( i, h :: t ) <= if i < h
then i :: ( h :: t )
else h :: insert ( i, t ) ;
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Actually this isn't strictly polymorphic as its declaration suggests, because
it uses the built-in function "<", which is only defined over numbers and
characters, but it shows the kind of thing we can do. When we use it to
reduce a list of characters:
reduce ( "All sorts and conditions of men", insert, nil ) ;
" Aacddefiillmnnnnoooorssstt" : list ( char )
we can see that it actually sorts them. The sorting method (insertion sort)
isn't very efficient, but the example shows something of the power of
higher-order functions and of "reduce" in particular. It's even possible to
use "reduce" to get the effect of "map", but that's left as an exercise for
the reader as they say.
Of course "map" and "reduce" only work on "list ( alpha )" and we'll need to
provide different versions for our own structured data types. This is the
preferred style of Hope programming, because it makes programs largely
independent of the 'shape' of the data structures they use. Here's an
alternative kind of binary tree that holds data at its nodes rather than its
tips, and a reduce function for it:
data tree ( alpha ) == empty ++
node ( tree ( alpha ) # alpha # tree ( alpha ) ) ;
dec redtree : tree ( alpha ) #
( alpha # beta -> beta ) #
beta -> beta ;
--- redtree ( empty, f, b ) <= b ;
--- redtree ( node ( l, v, r ), f, b ) <=
redtree ( l, f, f ( v, redtree ( r, f, b ) ) ) ;
We can use this kind of tree to define a more efficient sort. An ordered
binary tree has the property that all the objects in its left subtree
logically precede the node object and all those in its right subtree are
equal to the node object or logically succeed it. We can build an ordered
tree if we have a function to insert new objects into an already-ordered
tree, such as:
dec instree : alpha # tree ( alpha ) -> tree ( alpha ) ;
--- instree ( i, empty ) <= node ( empty, i, empty ) ;
--- instree ( i, node ( l, v, r ) ) <=
if i < v
then node ( instree ( i, l ), v, r )
else node ( l, v, instree ( i, r ) ) ;
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We can sort a list by converting its elements into an ordered tree using
"instree", then flattening the tree back into a list. This is very easy to
specify using the two kinds of reduction we've defined:
dec sort : list ( alpha ) -> list ( alpha ) ;
--- sort ( l ) <= redtree( reduce ( l, instree, empty ), nonop ::, nil )
sort ( "Mad dogs and Englishmen" ) ;
" EMaadddegghilmnnnoss" : list ( char )
Anonymous functions
When we used "map" and "reduce", we had to define extra functions like "fact"
and "square" to pass in as paramteters. This is a nuisance if we don't need
them anywhere else in the program and especially if they're trivial, like
"sum" or "addone". For on-the-spot use in cases like this, we can use an
anonymous function called a lambda-expression. Here's a lambda-expression
corresponding to "sum":
lambda ( x, y ) => x + y
The symbol "lambda" introduces the function and "x" and "y" are its formal
parameters. The expression "x + y" is the function definition. The part
after "lambda" is just a recursion equation without the "---" and with "=>"
instead of "<=". Here's another lambda-expression used as the actual
parameter of "reduce":
reduce ( [ "toe","tac","tic" ], lambda ( a, b ) => b <> a, nil ) ;
"tictactoe" : list ( char )
There can be more than one recursion equation in the lambda- expression.
They're separated from each other by the symbol "|" and pattern-matching is
used to select the appropriate one. Here's an example that uses
pattern-matching in a lambda-expression to avoid division by zero when the
function it defines is executed:
map ( [ 1,0,2,0,3 ], lambda ( 0 ) => 0
| ( succ ( n ) ) => 100 div succ ( n ) ) ;
[ 100,0,50,0,33 ] : list ( num )
Hope Tutorial Page 29
Functions that create new functions
As we've seen, Hope functions possess 'full rights' and can be passed as
actual parameters like any data object. It'll be no surprise to learn that
we can return a function as the result of another function. The result can
be a named function or an anonymous function defined by a lambda-expression.
Here's a simple example:
dec makestep : num -> ( num -> num ) ;
--- makestep ( i ) <= lambda ( x ) => i + x ;
makestep ( 3 ) ;
lambda ( x ) => 3 + x : num -> num
As we can see from trying "makestep", its result is an anonymous function
that adds a fixed quantity to its single argument. The size of the increment
was specified as an actual parameter to "makestep" when the new function was
created, and has become 'bound in' to its definition. If we try the new
function, we'll see that it really does add "3" to its actual parameter:
makestep ( 3 ) ( 10 ) ;
13 : num
There are two applications here. First we apply "makestep" to "3", then the
resulting anonymous function is applied to "10". Finally, here's a function
that has functions as both actual parameter and result:
dec twice : ( alpha -> alpha ) -> ( alpha -> alpha ) ;
--- twice ( f ) <= lambda ( x ) => f ( f ( x ) ) ;
"twice" defines a new function that has a single argument and some other
function "f" bound into its definition. The new function has the same type
as "f". We can see its effect using a simple function like "square":
twice ( square ) ;
lambda ( x ) => square( square ( x ) ) : num -> num
twice ( square ) ( 3 ) ;
81 : num
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The new function applies the bound-in function to its argument twice. We can
even bind in "twice" itself, generating a new function that behaves like
"twice" except that the function eventually bound in will be applied four
twice ( twice ) ;
lambda ( x ) => twice ( twice ( x ) )
: ( alpha -> alpha ) -> ( alpha -> alpha )
twice ( twice ) ( square ) ( 3 ) ;
43046721 : num
Hope Tutorial Page 31
In conclusion
In this article you've been introduced to the ideas of functional programming
through one of the new generation of functional languages. You saw how a
Hope program is just a series of functions that are regarded as definitions
of parts of a data structure - the 'results' of the program - and how the
powerful idea of higher-order functions allows us to capture many common
program patterns in a single function.
Some of these ideas will already be familiar to users of LISP, but they
appear in a purer form in Hope, because there are no mechanisms for updating
data structures like LISP's SETQ and RPLACA or for specifying the order of
evaluation like GO and PROG. Unlike LISP programs, Hope programs are free
from side-effects and possess the mathematical property of referential
You also saw features that are primitive or lacking in LISP and in most
imperative languages. The data declaration lets you define complex data
types without worrying about how they're represented and pattern- matching
lets you decompose them, so you can use abstract data types directly without
writing access procedures and without the need to invent lots of new names.
The typing mechanism lets the compiler check that you're using data objects
in a correct and consistent way, while the idea of polymorphic types stops
the checking from being too restrictive and lets you define common data
'shapes' with a single function.
Higher-order functions and polymorphic types allow us to write programs that
are very concise. Programmers are more productive and their programs are
easier to understand and to reason about. The property of referential
transparency improves our ability to reason about programs still further and
makes it possible to transform them mechanically into programs that are still
provably correct, but more efficient in their use of space or time. Finally,
referential transparency keeps the meaning of Hope programs independent of
the order they're evaluated in, making them ideal for parallel evaluation on
suitable machines. You'll be seeing a lot more of Hope and languages like it
in the future.
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